How to Order

Your drool-worth journey is just a few simple steps away.

  • Plan Ahead

    Orders run on a monthly cycle so you can meal prep to your heart's content. Don't forget our cutoff dates!

    Check our cutoff dates 
  • Shop

    Order before the cutoff to avoid disappointed drools!

    We offer payment options for you to choose from.

    Explore our range 
  • Delivery

    Can't make it to our meeting points? We can send your monthly order! Treats & dry goods can also be shipped.

    Courier rates 

Fresh, Affordable & Right on Schedule!

We operate on a monthly schedule to keep costs down and pass the savings on to you. By gathering all orders over the month and placing one big bulk order with our suppliers, we secure better pricing—meaning more value for you and your fur family! Deliveries happen on the first weekend of every month, making it easy to plan ahead...and hard to forget!