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Digestion Mate Herbal Tea

Digestion Mate Herbal Tea

Regular price $13.00
Regular price Sale price $13.00
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Helps with digestion & how your dog absorbs food determines how efficiently they’ll produce energy. That means improving your dog’s digestion means more play time, more walks, happier days in the sun, and calmer nights with a healthy sleep. 

Ingredients: Milk Thistle, Burdock, Marshmallow Root, Chickweed.

Add 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of leaves to a cup of hot water and allow to infuse for 2-3 minutes before straining and serving. Ensure the tea has cooled adequately before presenting it to your dog.


As always, consult your veterinarian and use caution before substituting any herb for your pets medicine.

Blend 4

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