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Rose Tea Organic 50g

Rose Tea Organic 50g

Regular price $13.80
Regular price Sale price $13.80
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Rose - Rosa Spp.

Roses offer more than just vitamin C found in rose hips labelled on many products. Native Americans used different parts of Rosa Spp. for various purposes that are safe for animals too. For instance: 

  • Flower petals: Mildly to moderately astringent, suitable for a sweet smelling rinse for animals with dry, itchy skin. Petal tea helps with mild colic, diarrhoea and minor mouth or stomach irritations. 
  • Leaves: Stronger than petals, decoct leaves for rinses in contact dermatitis or inflamed flea or fly bites. Internally, it aids cysts and digestive tract inflammations due to bacterial or parasitic infections. 
  • Bark and stems: Offer the strongest astringency, beneficial for acute urinary or digestive tract inflammations involving difficult urination, gushing diarrhoea, or minor bleeding. Avoid feeding thorns.
  • Rose hips: High in Vitamin C, they make a tasty treat. Feed fresh or dried whole hips. Dried hips can be ground and added to food as a nutritional supplement. Watch for stomach upset or diarrhoea and adjust the amount accordingly. 

The high tannin content in the bark can irritate the urinary tract and kidneys and can trigger uterine contractions, therefore rose bark is best avoided in pregnant animals or those with pre-existing kidney problems. 

Add 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of leaves to a cup of hot water and allow to infuse for 2-3 minutes before straining and serving. Ensure the tea has cooled adequately before presenting it to your dog.


As always, consult your veterinarian and use caution before substituting any herb for your pets medicine.

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